Wednesday, July 7, 2010




Democritus was born at Abdera, Thrace, sometime around 458 BCE. He was described as well traveled, probably visitng Babylon, Egypt, and Ethiopia, and perhaps India. he appears to have spent all of his time on scientific and philosopical studies, teachings, and writing- some 60 works have been listed. Democritus' Theory of the atomic nature of the physcial world, developed from that of Leucippus, is known only through the works of critics of the theory such as Arisitotle and Theoprastus.

He was an influential pre-Socratic philipsopher who formulated the atomic theory for the cosmos.

Democritus' Theory

He hypothesized that all matter is composed of tine indestructable units , called atoms. The atoms itself remains. He also believed that all elements are made up of various imperishable, indivisible elements called Atoms.

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