Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Plum Pudding or the Rasin Bread Model

Joseph John "J.J." Thomson

J.J. Thomson

Until 1897, scientists believed that atoms were indivisible, but Thomson proved them wrong when he discovered that atoms contained particles known as electrons. Thomson discovered this through his explorations on the properties of cathode rays. British physicist and Nobel laureate. He is credited for the discovery of the electron and of isotopes, and the invention of the mass spectrometer.

Plum Pudding Model

The atom is composed of electrons surrounded by a soup of positive charge to balance the electrons' negative charges, like negatively charged "plums" surrounded by positively charged "pudding. Thomson's model was compared to a British dessert called plum pudding.

Experiment with Cathode Rays

First Experiment
Thomson set out to investigate whether or not he could actually separate the charge from the rays.

Second Experiment
He investigated wether or not the rays could be deflected by an electric field.

Third Experiment
Thomson measured the mass to charge ratio of the cathode rays by measuring how much they were deflected by a magnetic field and how much energy they carried.

source: wikipedia




"If you to break a piece of matter in half, and then break it in half again, how many breaks will you have to make before you can break it no further?"

Democritus ("chosen of the people") was an Ancient Greek philosopher born in Abdera, Thrace, Greece. He died ca. 360-370 BC (Aged 90-109)

Era Pre-Socratic philosophy

Region Western Philosophy

School Pre-Socratic philosophy

Main interests metaphysics / mathematics / astronomy

Notable ideas atomism, distant star theory
He was an influential pre-Socratic philosopher who formulated an atomic theory for the cosmos. He has been commonly known as "The Laughing Philosopher". Democritus was nevertheless well-known to his fellow northern-born philosopher Aristotle.

Some scholars believe that Democritus' atomic theory was not really his own. But that of his teacher Leucippus of Miletus.

Democritus proposed the "billiard ball model". The reason behind his proposal is that he wanted to know the solidness of the material corresponded to the shape of the atoms involved. Aristotle modified an earlier theory that matter was made of four elements: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.

Democritus believed that atoms were small, hard and indivisible particles. And that atoms can be joined, but not broken. He also believed that the interior of an atom is empty.

John Dalton further examined his theory.
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Democritus was born at Abdera, Thrace, sometime around 458 BCE. He was described as well traveled, probably visitng Babylon, Egypt, and Ethiopia, and perhaps India. he appears to have spent all of his time on scientific and philosopical studies, teachings, and writing- some 60 works have been listed. Democritus' Theory of the atomic nature of the physcial world, developed from that of Leucippus, is known only through the works of critics of the theory such as Arisitotle and Theoprastus.

He was an influential pre-Socratic philipsopher who formulated the atomic theory for the cosmos.

Democritus' Theory

He hypothesized that all matter is composed of tine indestructable units , called atoms. The atoms itself remains. He also believed that all elements are made up of various imperishable, indivisible elements called Atoms.

Quantum Mechanical Model

Quantum Mechanical Model is the most recent model of the atom. It is based on quantum mechanics numbers are quantum solutions to quantum equations and are used to find probable position and location of an electron in an atom.The first Principal quantum number identifies which energy level in an electron is in. There are 7 possible energy levels in an atom in the ground state (stable) the azimuthal quantum number identifies the sub-level with in the energy level where the electron is most likely to be found.

The History of Quantum Mechanics began with the 1838 discovery of cathode rays by Michael Faraday. The 1859 statement of the Black Body Radiation.

Schrondinger Equation:

General Quatnum System


Single Particle in a Potential

Time Independent Equation

Following Max Planck's quantization of light (see black body radiation), Albert Einstein interpreted Planck's quantum to be photons, particles of light, and proposed that the energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency, one of the first signs of wave–particle duality. Since energy and momentum are related in the same way as frequency and wavenumber in special relativity, it followed that the momentum p of a photon is proportional to its wavenumber k.
The Schrödinger equation

** The Schrödinger equation takes several different forms, depending on the physical situation. This section presents the equation for the general case and for the simple case encountered in many textbooks.

Chemist-Joseph Proust Group 10

Chemistry studies

Proust’s largest accomplishment into the realm of science was disproving Berthollet with the law of definite proportions, which is sometimes also known as Proust's Law. Proust studied copper carbonate, the two tin oxides,and the two iron sulfides to prove this law. He did this by making artificial copper carbonate and comparing it to natural copper carbonate. With this he showed that each had the same proportion of weights between the three elements involved (Cu, C, O). Between the two types of the other compounds, Proust showed that no intermediate indeterminate compounds exist between them. Proust published this paper in 1794, but the law was not accepted until 1811, when the Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius gave him credit for it.

There are, however, exceptions to the Law of Definite Proportions. An entire class of substances does not follow this rule. The compounds are called non-stoichiometric compounds, or Berthollides, after Berthollet. The ratio of the elements present in the compound can fluctuate within certain limits, such as in the example of Ferrous oxide. The ideal formula is FeO, but due to crystallographic vacancies it is reduced to about Fe0.95O.

Proust was also interested in studying the sugars that are present in sweet vegetables and fruits. In 1799, Proust demonstrated, to his class in Madrid, how the sugar in grapes is identical to that found in honey. This later became known as glucose. Overall, Proust discovered three types of sugar during his studies.

SOURCE: nyenye
Antoine Lavoisier

BORN: August 26, 1743
BIRTHPLACE: Paris, France
DIED: May 8, 1794 (deheading)
BEST KNOWN AS: French chemist who proved the law of conservation of mass

Group 6 - Earnest Rutherford

  • died Oct. 19, 1937, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
  • was born on Aug. 30, 1871
  • he moved to Britain to attend Cambridge University, where he worked with J.J. Thomson at the Cavendish Laboratory

Joseph Louis Proust GROUP 10

Joseph Louis Proust
Born: September 16, 1754
         Angers, France
Studied Chemistry in his father's shop
Gained the appointment of apothecary in chief to the Salpetriere
Taught chemistry with Pilatre de Rozier, A famous Astronaut
Died: July 5, 1826
        Paris. France (age of 71)

Chemistry studies

Proust’s largest accomplishment into the realm of science was disproving Berthollet with the law of definite proportions, which is sometimes also known as Proust's Law. Proust studied copper carbonate, the two tin oxides,and the two iron sulfides to prove this law. He did this by making artificial copper carbonate and comparing it to natural copper carbonate. With this he showed that each had the same proportion of weights between the three elements involved (Cu, C, O). Between the two types of the other compounds, Proust showed that no intermediate indeterminate compounds exist between them. Proust published this paper in 1794, but the law was not accepted until 1811, when the Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius gave him credit for it.

There are, however, exceptions to the Law of Definite Proportions. An entire class of substances does not follow this rule. The compounds are called non-stoichiometric compounds, or Berthollides, after Berthollet. The ratio of the elements present in the compound can fluctuate within certain limits, such as in the example of Ferrous oxide. The ideal formula is FeO, but due to crystallographic vacancies it is reduced to about Fe0.95O

Proust was also interested in studying the sugars that are present in sweet vegetables and fruits. In 1799, Proust demonstrated, to his class in Madrid, how the sugar in grapes is identical to that found in honey. This later became known as glucose. Overall, Proust discovered three types of sugar during his studies.


Antoine Lavoisier


Lavoisier demonstrated the role of oxygen in the rusting of metal, as well as oxygen's role in animal and plant respiration.

Working with Pierre-Simon Laplace, Lavoisier conducted experiments that showed that respiration was essentially a slow combustion of organic material using inhaled oxygen. Lavoisier's explanation of combustion disproved the phlogiston theory, which postulated that materials released a substance called phlogiston when they burned.

Lavoisier discovered that Henry Cavendish's "inflammable air", which Lavoisier had termed hydrogen (Greek for "water-former"), combined with oxygen to produce a dew which, as Joseph Priestley had reported, appeared to be water.

In "Sur la combustion en général" ("On Combustion in general," 1777) and "Considérations Générales sur la Nature des Acides" ("General Considerations on the Nature of Acids," 1778), he demonstrated that the "air" responsible for combustion was also the source of acidity.
In 1779, he named this part of the air "oxygen" (Greek for "becoming sharp" because he claimed that the sharp taste of acids came from oxygen), and the other "azote" (Greek for "no life").

He showed that, although matter can change its state in a chemical reaction, the total mass of matter is the same at the end as at the beginning of every chemical change.

Lavoisier investigated the composition of water and air, which at the time were considered elements. He determined that the components of water were oxygen and hydrogen, and that air was a mixture of gases, primarily nitrogen and oxygen.
With the French chemists Claude-Louis Berthollet, Antoine Fourcroy and Guyton de Morveau, Lavoisier devised a systematic chemical nomenclature. He described it in Méthode de nomenclature chimique (Method of Chemical Nomenclature, 1787). This system facilitated communication of discoveries between chemists of different backgrounds and is still largely in use today, including names such as sulfuric acid, sulfates, and sulfites.
Lavoisier also did early research in physical chemistry and thermodynamics in joint experiments with Laplace. They used a calorimeter to estimate the heat evolved per unit of carbon dioxide produced, eventually finding the same ratio for a flame and animals, indicating that animals produced energy by a type of combustion reaction.
Lavoisier also contributed to early ideas on composition and chemical changes by stating the radical theory, believing that radicals, which function as a single group in a chemical process, combine with oxygen in reactions. He also introduced the possibility of allotropy in chemical elements when he discovered that diamond is a crystalline form of carbon.

Overall, his contributions are considered the most important in advancing chemistry to the level reached in physics and mathematics during the 18th century


John Dalton - GROUP 4

John Dalton

atomic model of john dalton

Dalton's theory was based on the premise that the atoms of different elements could be distinguished by differences in their weights. He stated his theory in a lecture to the Royal Institution in 1803. The theory proposed a number of basic ideas:

All matter is composed of atoms
Atoms cannot be made or destroyed
All atoms of the same element are identical
Different elements have different types of atoms
Chemical reactions occur when atoms are rearranged
Compounds are formed from atoms of the constituent elements.
Using his theory, Dalton rationalised the various laws of chemical combination which were in existence at that time. However, he made a mistake in assuming that the simplest compound of two elements must be binary, formed from atoms of each element in a 1:1 ratio, and his system of atomic weights was not very accurate - he gave oxygen an atomic weight of seven instead of eight.

Despite these errors, Dalton's theory provided a logical explanation of concepts, and led the way into new fields of experimentation.

Dalton's atomic model is one of the fundamentals of physics and chemistry. This theory of atomic composition was hypothesized and partially confirmed by the English chemist and Physicist John Dalton. Dalton came with his Atomic theory as a result of his research into gases. He discovered that certain gases only could be combined in certain proportions even if two different compounds shared the same common element or group of elements. Through deductive reasoning and experimentation, he made an interesting discovery. His findings led him to hypothesize that elements combine at the atomic level in fixed ratios. This ratio would naturally differ in compounds due to the unique atomic weights of the elements being combined.

This was a revolutionary idea but further experimentation by himself and others confirmed his theory. The findings became the basis of of Dalton's Atomic Laws or Model. These laws focus on five basic theorems. First, Pure Elements consist of particles called atoms. Second,atoms of an element are all the same for that element. That means gold is gold and oxygen is oxygen down to the last atom. Third, atoms of different elements can be told apart by their atomic weights. Fourth, atoms of elements unite to form chemical compounds. Finally, atoms can neither be created or destroyed in chemical reaction. The grouping only changes.

The last of Dalton's atomic laws were at the time considered true for all reactions involving atoms. This was later corrected with the discovery of nuclear fission and fusion. So we now know that this only holds true for chemical reactions.

Like other scientific theories, Dalton's atomic model has been perfected over time with the research and discoveries of other scientists. We now know that the atom can be divided into even smaller particles and we have even discovered the actual internal structure of the atom, even able to view it through modern technology. We now know that atomic weight is a product of the structure of the atoms as well.

This atomic theory made possible modern chemistry and physics. Up until Dalton's time the atom was only considered to a philosophical construct passed down by the ancient Greeks. Dalton's ground breaking work made theory reality. This understanding the atom helped to fuel many other discoveries such as the fundamental forces and Einstein's theory of relativity. It is especially is important when one goes into Quantum physics a discipline that looks at physics at the atomic and subatomic levels.

In 1800, Dalton became a secretary of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, and in the following year he orally presented an important series of papers, entitled "Experimental Essays" on the constitution of mixed gases; on the pressure of steam and other vapours at different temperatures, both in a vacuum and in air; on evaporation; and on the thermal expansion of gases. These four essays were published in the Memoirs of the Lit & Phil in 1802.

The second of these essays opens with the striking remark,

There can scarcely be a doubt entertained respecting the reducibility of all elastic fluids of whatever kind, into liquids; and we ought not to despair of affecting it in low temperatures and by strong pressures exerted upon the unmixed gases further.

After describing experiments to ascertain the pressure of steam at various points between 0 and 100 °C (32 and 212 °F), Dalton concluded from observations on the vapour pressure of six different liquids, that the variation of vapour pressure for all liquids is equivalent, for the same variation of temperature, reckoning from vapour of any given pressure.

John Dalton is now called the father of modern atomic theory for his efforts. His atomic theories were introduced in 19th century England.

In September of 1803, John Dalton wrote his first table of atomic weights in his daily logbook. In 1830, he stated his most well-known quote (at the top of this webpage). Two years after he developed his atomic weights, he published them in a book called "A New System of Chemical Philosophy. In it he was the first to propose that elements be identified with symbols. However, only 3 or 4 pages in the third chapter discussed the atomic theory he proposed.

John Dalton FRS (6 September 1766 – 27 July 1844) was an English chemist, meteorologist and physicist. He is best known for his pioneering work in the development of modern atomic theory, and his research into colour blindness (sometimes referred to as Daltonism, in his honour).

John Dalton was born into a Quaker family at Eaglesfield in Cumberland, England. The son of a weaver, he joined his older brother Jonathan at age 15 in running a Quaker school in nearby Kendal. Around 1790 Dalton seems to have considered taking up law or medicine, but his projects were not met with encouragement from his relatives — Dissenters were barred from attending or teaching at English universities — and he remained at Kendal until, in the spring of 1793, he moved to Manchester. Mainly through John Gough, a blind philosopher and polymath from whose informal instruction he owed much of his scientific knowledge, Dalton was appointed teacher of mathematics and natural philosophy at the "New College" in Manchester, a Dissenting academy. He remained in that position until 1800, when the college's worsening financial situation led him to resign his post and begin a new career in Manchester as a private tutor for mathematics and natural philosophy.

Dalton's early life was highly influenced by a prominent Eaglesfield Quaker named Elihu Robinson, a competent meteorologist and instrument maker, who got him interested in problems of mathematics and meteorology. During his years in Kendal, Dalton contributed solutions of problems and questions on various subjects to the Gentlemen's and Ladies' Diaries, and in 1787 he began to keep a meteorological diary in which, during the succeeding 57 years, he entered more than 200,000 observations.[1] He also rediscovered George Hadley's theory of atmospheric circulation (now known as the Hadley cell) around this time.[2] Dalton's first publication was Meteorological Observations and Essays (1793), which contained the seeds of several of his later discoveries. However, in spite of the originality of his treatment, little attention was paid to them by other scholars. A second work by Dalton, Elements of English Grammar, was published in 1801.

Joseph Louis Proust GROUP 2

by: Corpus

Birthday: September 16, 1754 at Angers, France
Died last: July 5, 1826

Joseph L. Proust was born on September 26 1754 at angers, France. His father serves as an apothecary in Angers. Joseph studied chemistry in his father's shop and later came to paris  where he gain the appointment of apothecary in chief to the Salpatiere. He also taught chemistry.He also taught chemistry with Pilâtre de Rozier, a famous astronaut.

Under Carlos IV's influence Proust went to Spain. There he taught at the Chemistry School in Segovia and at the University of Salamanca. But when Napoleon invaded Spain, they burned Proust's laboratory and forced him back to France. On July 5 1826 he died in Angers, France.

Proust's best known work was derived from a controversy with chemist C.L. Berthollet. Berthollet did not believe that substances always combine in constant and definite proportions as Proust did. Proust eventually was able to prove Berthollet wrong in 1799 and published his own hypothesis.

Proust’s largest accomplishment into the realm of science was disproving Berthollet with the law of definite proportions, which is sometimes also known as Proust's Law. Proust studied copper carbonate, the two tin oxides,and the two iron sulfides to prove this law. He did this by making artificial copper carbonate and comparing it to natural copper carbonate. With this he showed that each had the same proportion of weights between the three elements involved (Cu, C, O). Between the two types of the other compounds, Proust showed that no intermediate indeterminate compounds exist between them. Proust published this paper in 1794, but the law was not accepted until 1811, when the Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius gave him credit for it.

There are, however, exceptions to the Law of Definite Proportions. An entire class of substances does not follow this rule. The compounds are called non-stoichiometric compounds, or Berthollides, after Berthollet. The ratio of the elements present in the compound can fluctuate within certain limits, such as in the example of Ferrous oxide. The ideal formula is FeO, but due to crystallographic vacancies it is reduced to about Fe0.95O.

Proust was also interested in studying the sugars that are present in sweet vegetables and fruits. In 1799, Proust demonstrated, to his class in Madrid, how the sugar in grapes is identical to that found in honey. This later became known as glucose. Overall, Proust discovered three types of sugar during his studies.